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Snowflake Art for Toddlers

The first in a series of real life crafting activities with me and Marlowe. I endlessly scroll Pinterest for craft ideas and the pictures always look so perfect. Nothing we make ever turns out like that though, so let’s stop with all the staging and say it as it is. Welcome to Marlowe’s Mishaps – Crafting in the real world.

Onto our snowflake art. Lots of us across the country have had a sighting of snow. If you haven’t yet then fear not, make your very own snowflakes with our snowflake art activity.

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Top 10 materials for toddler craft activities

If you’re a parent to toddlers then no doubt there has been many occasions when you’ve found your self-stuck for ideas to entertain the kids or been caught off guard by a rainy day.  Here, I’m going to go through my top 10 materials for toddler craft activities that every parent should have at home for emergencies!

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Temporary Closure

COVID-19 closure

It’s with sad regret that I am announcing that we will be closed as of Monday the 23rd of March until we can all resume some normality.

As my husband is a key worker at this time, I need to support our children which is my number one priority. I’m secretly looking forward to having lots of cuddles with Marlowe.

This is by no means a permanent measure right now. The government have announced lots of plans to help small businesses come out the other side and that is exactly what I intend on doing.

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5 Top Birthday Party Tips

Birthday Party Tips

Organising a birthday party for your little ones can end up all work and no play, which isn’t how it should be. Birthday parties are meant to be filled with fun and happiness, not stressful and choresome. We’ve attended and ran many parties. It’s time I share with you my 5 top birthday party tips.

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Keeping Super Organised – Business Mums!

As many of you know, I’m a Mumma to four as well as a business owner. I know many of you are in a similar situation, that is, having kids and running some kind of business, whether that be full time or a side hustle.

I have struggled for so long to try and stay organised, especially with my online presence as it’s just too time-consuming and I get swallowed in the mound of growing posts and the pressure to create original content. I’ve used calendars, I’ve used social planners, I even brought a £100 Filofax in the hopes it would keep me organised, but no.

I stumbled recently across a kick-ass mini-course about calendar systems which opened my eyes to how I view content, creating content and how to organise it. Considering the course was only a mini-course, it’s opened my eyes to where I’ve been going wrong.

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Toys, Sometimes Less is More

Seeing as it has just been Christmas, it’s likely that you may be experiencing toy overload.

I know as a parent I always think we haven’t gotten the kids enough, but in reality, it turns out to be much more than I anticipated. That and you can’t control what others buy for your children and then before you know it, you have your very own toy shop.  

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Kids Stained Glass Window

The weekend just gone saw the sun shining. What better way to enjoy it than making these kids stained glass windows. They looked beautiful up in the window with the sun pouring through the colours. The boys have affixed theirs to their bedroom windows, while I have situated mine on the mini window in the downstairs loo!

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A Snowy Night

Canvas work is something that has been at the forefront of my mind for some time. Both in terms of business, creating and promoting my range but also from a personal point of view

It’s not something I have ever felt comfortable to step into. Me, create a piece of art? Use paints and brushes and actually have a recognisable piece of art at the end of it? No I couldn’t possibly do that.

Today however saw me step out of my comfort zone and actually put paint on canvas and bring to life some silver birch trees . I’ve detailed below what I did, why don’t you have a go?

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