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Kids Stained Glass Window

The weekend just gone saw the sun shining. What better way to enjoy it than making these kids stained glass windows. They looked beautiful up in the window with the sun pouring through the colours. The boys have affixed theirs to their bedroom windows, while I have situated mine on the mini window in the downstairs loo!

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A Snowy Night

Canvas work is something that has been at the forefront of my mind for some time. Both in terms of business, creating and promoting my range but also from a personal point of view

It’s not something I have ever felt comfortable to step into. Me, create a piece of art? Use paints and brushes and actually have a recognisable piece of art at the end of it? No I couldn’t possibly do that.

Today however saw me step out of my comfort zone and actually put paint on canvas and bring to life some silver birch trees . I’ve detailed below what I did, why don’t you have a go?

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Canvas just got foxy

Foxy sketch

I’ve never been particularly artistic despite selling children’s craft kits.

I think it’s been a lack of confidence really, that people wouldn’t like my work and I’ve let that stop me.

I’ve decided I’d really like to learn to draw, because I want to and because I want to expand my range of canvas designs.

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